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One-to-one durational performance lasting 3 hours with a total of 9 audiences performed at The Salutation, Cavendish Street, Manchester. January 2024. 


This performance is an exploration of memory, gratitude, and ancestrality, inviting participants to engage in a ritual of remembrance and reverence for the past. It's a piece that intricately weaves personal narratives, socio-political commentary, and ritualistic elements to explore the underrepresented influences that shape individuals' lives. Originating from a personal experience of loss and reflection, the performance aims to pay homage to educators and other significant figures or moments whose contributions often go unrecognized. Drawing inspiration from Yoruba cultural rituals of paying homage and British mourning customs, the performer utilizes sound, movement, material, and text as incantations to evoke memories and trigger contemplation.

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This introspective performance seeks to pave a path for Nigerians to mentally return from the effects of colonialism/slavery and allow for a fresh approach to the reimagination and integration of cultural artefacts into society.

The process-oriented and participatory delivery involves the cleansing, treating and healing of the scars from the past to attain a progressive future. The artist projects this through the lens of her life, coming from a lineage of twins according to the Yoruba culture by making soap/charcoal sculpture replicas of the figurines of her late grandma and her twin. (Ere Ibeji). She combines this with a sound installation which includes an originally composed voiceover by herself.

Gbe Mi (Carry me)

Click to Watch Performance below

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Bodies and Borders

The performance, "Bodies and Borders" explores the interpersonal relationships between people of diverse cultures, beliefs and practices, fostered as a result of movement across borders into new spaces. It asks 'How can we exchange and interact without imposing? What does the friction of encounter offer in shaping identity and community?'

Through a group performance and sound installation, the impact of encounter is explored against a backdrop of charcoal.

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Click to listen to the performance voiceover below

The travelers prayer
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